Quantitative Imaging, Phenotyping and Sorting Platform


Chromium X

Gene ExpressionMultiome (ATAC + Gene Expression)
Fee-for-servicePARI Member1$330 for the first sample and $80 for each additional sample$485 for the first sample and $110 for each additional sample
University of Manitoba$355 for the first sample and $105 for each additional sample$520 for the first sample and $145 for each additional sample
Industry$495 for the first sample and $240 for each additional sample$730 for the first sample and $330 for each additional sample
TrainingPARI Member1$60/hour$60/hour
University of Manitoba$80/hour$80/hour
UserPARI Member1$80 per sample$110 per sample
University of Manitoba$105 per sample$145 per sample
Industry$240 per sample$330 per sample
Late Fee2$100/hour
Cancellation Fee3$55

Prices include the cost to cover platform-provided-consumables and to cover technician time. It is important to note that the prices do not cover 10x Genomics reagent kits which are required to be purchased separately by users. Additional charges may apply due to special circumstances that may arise during the experiment.

We can provide you with a customized quote based on the number of samples and the type of assay you will perform.

1Paul Albrechtsen Research Institute CancerCare Manitoba

2Beginning 30 mins after start of scheduled appointment

3Defined as cancellation within 3 hours of scheduled appointment

*prices are subject to change